Our Green Apophyllite Mini Clusters are beautiful and tranquil with their gorgeous shades of light green and white, and is considered one of the rarest colours of Apophyllite. Each piece is the perfect size to hold in your hand to be able to keep it close while you’re working with it, making it the perfect crystal to use for meditations and crystal grids!
Tel: +27 21 786 2020
Fax: +27 21 786 2502
Email: tumbled@topstones.co.za
Postal address: P.O. Box, 20 Simon’s Town, 7995, Cape Town South Africa
Physical address: Dido Valley Road, Simon’s Town, Cape Town, South Africa
Mon – Thurs: 8am – 4.45pm
Fri: 8am – 3.45pm
Closed Saturday, Sunday and public holidays
website by Lemonade Design