Shop the gemstone capital – Visit us in simonstown
Topstones offers wholesale for most of our products, To qualify as a wholesaler you must be “in the trade” and use the items you purchase as part of your business. Minimum quantites apply. Topstones has a wholesale showroom in Simonstown. Please get in touch with Jackie on 021 786 2020 or jackie@topstones.co.za to book a visit. We have limited capacity for customers in store.
Topstones (Pty) Ltd Head Office
Tel: +27 21 786 2020
Fax: +27 21 786 2502
Email: tumbled@topstones.co.za
Postal address: P.O. Box, 20 Simon’s Town, 7995, Cape Town South Africa
Physical address: Dido Valley Road, Simon’s Town, Cape Town, South Africa