These Sage smudge sticks have been treated with Dragons Blood resin to give it it’s gorgeous red colour and it’s unique, sweet, sagey smell.
As well as adding a vibrant color to the typically white sage, Dragon’s Blood resin also enhances the cleansing energy of the sage and makes it even more powerful.
Each smudge stick is approximately 10cm long.
Please note that with this purchase, you will receive ONE (1) Dragons Blood Sage smudge stick.
Tel: +27 21 786 2020
Fax: +27 21 786 2502
Postal address: P.O. Box, 20 Simon’s Town, 7995, Cape Town South Africa
Physical address: Dido Valley Road, Simon’s Town, Cape Town, South Africa
Mon – Thurs: 8am – 4.45pm
Fri: 8am – 3.45pm
Closed Saturday, Sunday and public holidays
website by Lemonade Design