Found in a variety of forms including a pink ornamental stone (Thulite) a bright green stone with black inclusions of Amphibole and red opaque rubies (Ruby in Zoisite) and colourless to grey, brown with crystals (Tanzanite). Ruby in Zoisite, also known as Anyolite from the Masai word for green, is found near Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania in massive form. It’s in demand as a carving and ornamental stone in which the Ruby crystals from a pinhead to first size can be highlighted. Because of differences in hardness (Onsite is 6 and Ruby 9 on Mohs’ Scale), it is difficult to work and is only tackled by specialized craftsmen – making it expensive. It helps to achieve altered states of consciousness and to stimulate and energize mental processes. It improves awareness of our individuality without losing sight of our societal role. The combination of Ruby in Zoisite has a stabilizing effect on the heartbeat and assists in the treatment of cardiac disorders. It calms the body and channels energy towards logical thinking.
While generally thought of as a deep-green in colour, Verdite is found in an almost infinite variety of shades of green, sometimes mottled with yellow, red, white and light-green patches. The only known deposits of this relatively soft stone are found in South Africa in the Barberton district where the first gold in the country was discovered and where some of the world’s oldest outcrops of rocks, 3500 million years old, can be found. Verdite holds a great place in African life, both ancient and modern, as a stone used to produce traditional animal and other ornamental carvings and as an ingredient in preparations for improving fertility. Verdite is considered a good medium to assist in linking with the spiritual world. It is believed to cleanse the blood, reduce toxicity and improve oxygenation within the body. It is also thought to soften abrasive character traits and – not surprisingly, considering its value in African fertility – to treat genital disorders.
A pale blue, greenish-blue or pale green opaque gemstone, sometimes permeated with brown stains from iron compounds. The sky-blue variety, often referred to as robin’s egg is the form most desired for jewellery. Turquoise was named in the 14th century. The name of the gem apparently relates to the fact that it was brought to Europe from the Eastern Mediterranean by Levantine traders, generally known as Turks. Found in neckwear and bracelets recovered from old Egyptian tombs, it has been valued as an ornament since ancient times. Native American Indians valued it as a protective stone as well as a bestower of goodness and used it extensively to bring rain. It is sacred to the Pueblo Indians of New Mexico, symbolising strength and power. In ancient times it was used to heal eye problems, especially cataracts, and in medieval times it was used as a cure for malaria and heart complaints. It is still considered by many to be a master healer and is said to help in the absorption of nutrients, strengthening the entire anatomy and stimulating tissue regeneration. It is particularly good for the throat and lungs, and because of its high copper content, is a conductor for healing and good for rheumatism and arthritis. The stone is believed to enhance creative expression, peace of mind, communication, friendship and loyalty. Turquoise is one of the birthstones for December (with lapis lazuli), symbolizing prosperity.
Apparently derived from the Sinhalese Turamali (1759) referring to mixed-colour gems of unknown identity, this is a stone of variable colour that makes a striking gem when transparent and cut. the pink (rubellite), blue (indicolite) and the more common green are the most popular varieties. Judging from excavations and written descriptions, its diversity of colour made the tourmaline very popular as a precious stone in ancient times. it was valued as a “teller stone” in ancient Eastern Indian culture, providing insight during times of struggle and “telling” who and/or what was the cause of trouble. It has been used by shamans among the African, Native American and Aboriginal tribes and is thought to bring healing powers to the user and to provide protection from danger. Tourmaline can stimulate communication and cooperation between opposing forces and has been used to encourage self-confidence and reduce fear and nervousness by promoting understanding. it is a tranquil, calming stone thought to be good for the lymphatic and digestive systems. Tourmaline is one of the birthstones for October (with opal), signifying hope.
Tourmalated Quartz
A clear to the milky form of quartz with needle-like black tourmaline inclusions. Also known as Tourmaline Quartz. Found mainly in Brazil. Tourmalated Quartz combines the healing benefits of both quartz and black tourmaline making it an incredibly balanced stone. The soft and soothing energies of the quartz reduce fear and nervousness bringing tranquillity and calmness. The black tourmaline needles provide one with strength and self-confidence, keeping us grounded and providing not only mental but physical protection as well. Thought to be a good stone for the lymphatic and digestive systems. Also helpful in reducing fevers.
Today the most common and most affordable Topaz is produced in various shades of blue in a laboratory-controlled procedure. Clear natural Topaz, mainly from Brazil, is eradiated to brown colour and then heated to make blue (sold under names such as “Swiss Blue”, “London Blue” and “Sky Blue”). Good natural blue is rare as is the pink “Imperial Topaz”. Other varieties in the market are a smoky “Golden Topaz” and the colourless materials called “Silver Topaz”.In earlier times the name topaz mainly referred to a gemstone now called olivine extracted on an island then known as Topazos or St. John in the Red Sea. It was probably also given to other yellow stones which were indistinguishable from one another without adequate knowledge of chemistry and mineralogy. Topaz is said to have been one of the stones used in the breastplate of the ancient high priest and was the ninth foundation stone in the wall of the new Jerusalem. Topaz is considered quite precious by the African bushmen, being used in ceremonies for healing and for connecting with spirits. the stone is believed to bring health and wealth and to protect the holder against danger. In healing it is said to “activate” the lungs, preventing colds and tuberculosis, to improve eyesight and relieve stress. Some say that if you put a topaz under your pillow at night it will soothe the nerves and energize the body during sleep. Topaz is the birthstone for November, symbolizing fidelity, and the zodiac gem for Sagittarius (22 November to 21 December).
Tiger’s eye
A usually yellow-brown stone (named in 1891) formed from seams of fibrous asbestos which through the ages have been transformed into quartz. Its unique silky reflections, called chatoyancy, are caused by light bouncing back from the asbestos filaments. Unknown to ancients, the tiger’s eye is a relatively recent discovery found in workable quantities in South Africa. It is thought to help eliminate the “blues” and to bring brightness and optimism to the user. It has been used to stimulate wealth and to enhance the stability required to maintain it. Tiger’s eye has a smooth appearance and is said to produce soothing vibrations, bringing calmness in times of turmoil. It has been used in the treatment of asthma, disorders of the eye, the throat and the reproductive system and can also be used to strengthen the alignment of the spinal column and to facilitate the mending of broken bones.
Tektites resemble tear-shaped pieces of obsidian but occur far from any volcanoes. they differ in shape, pattern and composition from obsidian, or from any moon rocks. One theory is that they are “glass” meteorites composed of pure silica. The exact nature and origin are, however, still under dispute. They are generally found in small, black, pear-shaped or cylindrical pieces, rounded on the ends and with bubble-like indentations. Tektites have powerful energies – and encourage the accumulation of knowledge and increase insight and comprehension. They increase the memory of desirable events and inhibit the recollections of unfortunate experiences without losing the message of the lessons to be learnt therefrom.
This is a variety of Zoisites first promoted and made famous in the 1960s by Tiffany’s in New York. The colour after being enhanced by heat is a beautiful violet-blue and the Crystals can be cut into fair-sized stones and set with precious metals and diamonds. This century the popularity of this beautiful but expensive stone has overtaken most other gemstones. Tanzanite is said to activate the energies of the heart, throat, third eye and crown chakras and unveils the various plains of consciousness allowing communication with the inner worlds. It is said to facilitate one’s understanding of the universe and see beyond the mental barriers inhibiting access into the depths of space and time. Believers in the power of this magical stone use it with confidence for many healing processes. It is said to be especially effective for eye problems, skin disorders and for bringing back out of comas.
A brilliant variety of oligoclase (a type of feldspar) flecked with minute scales of haematite. The colour range includes grey, green, yellow, brown, orange, pink, peach and red. It usually shows brilliant reflections due to inclusions of haematite or goethite. Some material, e.g. from Oregon USA, has inclusions so fine that the stone is clean enough to facet. More commonly most material from India and Tanzania is opaque with various degrees of orange to red shimmer. In ancient Greece sunstone was thought to represent the sun god, bringing abundance to those who carried or wore it. It was often used as an ornament on goblets and plates and was believed to counteract the effects of poison and enhance strength. In ancient India, it was believed to give protection from the destructive forces of other realms. it was also used by the ancients in the treatment of rheumatism.. one sat in the sun surrounded by a circle of sunstones to achieve relief. Sunstone has been used by the Canadian Indians in rituals of the “medicine wheel” and it has been reported that in these ceremonies during contact with the spirit guides, the stone has emitted a golden glow. It has also been used to moderate fearfulness, reduce stress, enhance vitality and encourage independence and originality. In healing, sunstone has been found useful in the treatment of chronic sore throats, stomach tension and ulcers. it has been helpful in treating cartilage problems suffered by athletes and aching feet and spinal problems have been relieved by physical contact with a large specimen.
A recently discovered mineral, sugilite was named after Professor Sugi who discovered it in Japan in 1944. The first discovery of gem-quality Sugilite was made 3200 feet below the ground in Wessels Manganese Mine in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa. A single pocket yielded about 10 tons of gem material, and no other sources have yet been discovered. Although sugilite is one of the most popular of the “new age” stones, the best material is very rare and even the lower qualities are limited. The colour ranges from deep purple to light violet, frequently with black flecks. The material is either formed against or mixed with hard Black Manganese from which it cannot always be separated. it is also associated with other Manganese Minerals which causes its variation in colour. Although this stone is a relatively recent discovery, there are few stones with greater healing powers. it has been particularly helpful for those suffering from cancer, immune deficiency and addiction. Because of its strong balancing and nurturing qualities, it is ideal as a protective stone for sensitive people. Sugilite can be used to eliminate hostility, anger, abrasiveness, jealousy, and prejudice – in fact, all negative traits! Thought to be a wonderful stone to wear or carry, it gives one a feeling of being free and encourages confidence and inspiration. Sugilite can be used to relieve headaches as well as soothing all types of discomforts and feelings of disorder simply beholding the stone and allowing the negative energy of the discomfort to be released into the black manganese of the sugilite.
Strawberry Quartz
A rose-pink to the red form of quartz. The stone gets its colour from needle-like inclusions of iron oxide. In some cases, these coloured inclusions are so fine and few that they can only be seen by the microscope, and others have so many of these inclusions that the stone itself looks completely pink. Strawberry Quartz is mostly found in Russia and neighbouring regions as well as Brazil. Strawberry Quartz carries all the properties of Clear Quartz or Crystal with enhanced attributes such as unconditional love, gratitude, joy and fulfilment. A gentle and calming stone. Physically this form of quartz heals the heart and lungs.
Spirit Quartz
Spirit Quartz, also known as cactus or porcupine quartz because of its unique formation, is found only in the Magaliesberg Mountains in South Africa. Tiny faceted crystal points surround a single large terminated point. The most common type of Spirit Quartz is a variety that can vary from pale lavender to a deep purple, Amethyst Spirit Quartz. Although Citrine, Smoky and Clear Quartz are also found. Spirit Quartz opens and activates the Crown Chakra helping to align and bring balance to all Chakras. It will encourage insightful, lucid dreams. To improve dream recall keep your Spirit Quartz on your bedside table. A gentle and loving healing stone, this special crystal is said to bring peace, understanding and forgiveness to relationships. By promoting self-love and acceptance, Spirit Quartz will release one from their insecurities, from their anger and frustration. A word to perfectly describes Spirit Quartz is harmony. It is a stone that promotes all factors of love and acceptance, comfort and joy. Spirit Quartz heals one from the inside out, detoxifying the body. It has been especially helpful for skin conditions and allergic reactions. It will revitalize the body and mind bringing new positive energy.
Sodalite occurs in sodium-rich nepheline – syenite igneous rocks as an attractive blue material often with white streaks. Commercially viable quantities are mined in Brazil and Namibia. The host rock is quarried on a large scale for floor and wall tiles and purer, better grade material goes to the gemstone industry. Sodalite is a member of the feldspathoid group of minerals – whose chemistry is close to that of alkali feldspars but low in silica content. Modern writings refer to its medicinal influence in the thyroid area, the treatment of digestive disorders and beneficial effects on blood pressure. it is said to have a calming effect on the mind especially when decision making is required, bringing clarity and decisiveness to one’s thoughts. Useful in group situations providing a commonality of purpose enhancing the realization of dependence and trust in others.
Smokey Quartz
A form of quartz in colours including transparent light grey, brown, dark brown and black, smoky quartz occurs on the massive or crystal form. Dark smoky or black quartz can be created by irradiation of ordinary rock crystals. It was named in 1837. Used in the past in tribal ceremonies to provide protection from negative forces, smoky quartz is still considered to be a protection stone that is thought to provide a barrier of protective energy around the user. The stone is believed to heighten survival instincts and to improve insight in “challenging” activities as well as promoting creativity in business and enhancing perception and learning. Smoky quartz has been useful in the treatment of addictions such as smoking, alcoholism and drugs. It is also thought to be helpful in dealing with fear and mood swings, as well as depression and even schizophrenia. it is a stone with strong healing powers being used to strengthen the skin and connective tissue, the muscular system, and in the treatment of infections and cancer-related diseases. Smoky quartz has also been used to promote personal pride and joy in living.
A very modern discovery that only came onto the market at the turn of the 21st century, Seraphinite is mined in the Lake Baikal area of Eastern Siberia – one of the world’s coldest and most remote areas. The stone is deep green with feathery inclusions of silver-coloured iridescent patterns. A premier healing stone of the New Age, it is the tool most suited for bringing the physical body into line with the universal Light energy. While the green colour gives Seraphinite a special affinity with the Heart Chakra – and thus a powerful gem for the development of compassion – it can also be used on any chakra or any other part of the body to enhance and harmonize energies. This all-around purifier can be used to cleanse auras, chakras and energy meridians, and all healers can benefit from this stone both by wearing it and using it on their clients.
Selenite is a variety of gypsum. A very soft mineral with a hardness of only 2 to 2.5 on Moh’s Hardness Scale. The name derives from the Greek god, Selene, goddess of the moon, for its moon-like glow. White is the most common colour, but orange or peach colours are becoming popular as well. Selenite is found in every continent in the world but most commercial gems are mined in Morocco, Madagascar, Utah and Mexico, where the mine ‘Cave of Swords’, forms large and beautiful blade-like sheets of Selenite. A light-hearted and gentle stone, Selenite has a direct impact on the emotional body, drawing out blockages and dispelling negative thoughts. To bring a sense of peace to the home, Selenite should be displayed at the entrance of one house giving guests and owners alike a sense of upliftment upon entering. Also said to keep the mind balanced, relieve stress and soothe uneasy breathing.
Named in the 14th century after the ancient city of Sardix (the capital of Lydia, now in Turkey), which was a centre for trade in the mineral, this variety of onyx contains layers of clear red or reddish-brown carnelian alternating with layers of white chalcedony. Sardonyx is said to have been one of the stones used in the breastplate of the ancient high priest and is named as the fifth foundation stone in the wall of the New Jerusalem. It was used widely in early Egyptian days in talismanic rings, seals and cameos and is said to bring happiness in marriage. It is known as the stone of virtueù, thought to stimulate virtuous conduct throughout the many phases of one’s life. It has been used to encourage self-control, diminish hesitation and provide courage, and protect the wearer from poisonous snakes. It has been helpful in the treatment of infection and in the alleviation of pain. Sardonyx is one of the birthstones for August (with peridot), symbolising married happiness.
A transparent rich blue form of corundum named in the 13th century, the blue colour caused by the presence of titanium. The deposits of sapphire in Sri Lanka have a history of several thousand years. In antiquity, the robes of important Indian priests were adorned with sapphires. It is also said to have been the “Stone of Kings”, worn to protect them against harm and to have been one of the stones used in the breastplate of the ancient high priest. Sapphire is said to be helpful in freeing one of the unpleasant or unwanted thoughts and in bringing joy and peace of mind by making one more receptive to beauty and intuition. It has been used in the treatment of disorders of the blood, combating excessive bleeding and strengthening the walls of veins, has relieved insomnia and nervousness and has also been helpful in treating boils. Sapphire is the birthstone for September, symbolizing clear thinking, and the zodiac gem for Taurus (20 April to 20 May), as well as Tuesday’s gemstone (star sapphire).
Rutilated Quartz
A mineral (named in 1803) that consists of titanium dioxide, usually with a little iron, rutile is typical of a reddish-brown colour, but sometimes deep red or black, with a brilliant metallic or diamond lustre. In times past, rutile has been said to represent both the lovely hair of Venus and the “sweet-tipped” arrows of love. Because of the belief that it repels negative energy, the stone is thought to be useful for healing – it brings awareness of the reason for a disease so that one is able to correct the problem. Rutile has also been helpful in stabilizing marriages and other relationships as well as emotional and physical imbalances. It has been used in the treatment of bronchitis, to promote lactation and to put a “sparkle” in the eyes.
A red form of corundum, second only to diamond in hardness. The red colour is caused by the presence of chrome, and the name derives (14th century) from the Latin Rubrum meaning “red”.Ruby and sapphire, the blue form of corundum, have a very long history of recognition as precious stones. Although it is likely that they were found much earlier, the first written references to ruby deposits come from the 6th century AD and mention Burma which is still the main source. Rubies were worn by Burmese soldiers to protect them against wounds in battle. The ruby is said to have been one of the stones used in the breastplate of the ancient high priest and during the Middle Ages was regarded as the “Lord of gems and the most precious of the twelve stones God created”. It is thought to improve one’s success in controversies, encouraging gentleness and discouraging violence. It has been said that as long as one retains a bit of ruby, wealth will never depart and that it will protect against unhappiness, distressing dreams and lightning. The ruby has been used in the treatment of fever and some heart disorders and can be used to decrease the length of time for toxins and chemicals to exit the body. Ruby is the birthstone for July, symbolizing contentment, and the zodiac gem for Capricorn as well as Wednesday’s gemstone (star ruby).
Rose Quartz
Generally, as the name suggests, a very delicate soft pink, rose quartz is always somewhat milky rather than transparent and varies in colour from an off-white pink to a warm rose-pink colour. The pink colour is created by the inclusion of manganese and sometimes titanium in the quartz rock. Until recently, rose quartz was thought to be found only in massive forms – in large deposits and veins – but it has now also been found in Brazil in small deposits of crystal form. While Namibia and South Africa are the main sources of the stone used today in jewellery and gemstone products, deep pink varieties are also found in Brazil and Madagascar. Some rose quartz specimens are asteriated – that is showing star of light reflected in the stone caused impurities. The early Chinese used rose quartz for carvings of the Goddess of Peace as the colour was thought to reflect her gentleness and wisdom. Today the stone is used extensively in the manufacture of necklaces, pendants and small sculptured ornaments. Its colour is often imitated in glass, but air bubbles – usually clearly visible under a lens – easily prove that it is not genuine. Rose quartz is said to produce restful cooling energy that will restore calmness, balance and clarity to the emotions, and is considered excellent for healing emotional “wounds”. Not surprisingly, because of these properties, it is also used to relieve burns and blisters caused by heat. It is also considered helpful in releasing impurities in the cells of the body, and when placed on the reflex points or the acupuncture/acupressure points for the heart and lungs, it is thought to be particularly beneficial to these organs.
Rock Crystal
A clear, transparent form of quartz that has not been coloured by the presence of other minerals. The purestù of all quartzes, crystal is named from the Greek Krystallos (13th century) meaning ice. Because quartz transmits heat it is cool to touch and crystal was originally believed to have been ice that had lost its ability to melt. Quartz crystals have been used for religious purposes since ancient times when priests used them to render negative energy impotent, to destroy black magic and to dissolve enchantments and spells. Quartz is said to have been one of the stones used in the breastplate of the ancient high priest. Quartz crystals have been used extensively by many cultures for diagnostic healing. During the days of the old waysù, people as widely dispersed as Native American Indians, African tribes, Egyptians, Mayans, Aztecs, Australian Aborigines, Romans, Celts, Scots and Tibetan Buddhists relied on quartz crystals to recognize the origin of disease. Romans used crystals to reduce fevers and to relieve pain in medieval times they were held against the tongue to alleviate fever as well as diminish thirst. Numerous healing properties have been ascribed to quartz in general and rock crystal in particular since ancient times and it is, in fact, used more frequently today for healing and diagnosis than any other stone naturopaths, faith healers, Clairvoyant and psychic healers commonly use crystal.
A rose-red manganese silicate, usually veined with streaks of black due to the oxidation of manganese. It is commonly mined in very large blocks. The name comes (1823) from the Greek Rhodon meaning rose. Although mined mainly in British Columbia, Canada, other sources are Australia, China and Madagascar. However, the Russians of earlier years were known for their rhodonite carvings. The sarcophagus of the Russian emperor Alexander II (1818 – 1881) was carved from a single block. Rhodonite has been called a “stone of love”.It is said to help one achieve their greatest potential, to dispel anxiety and promote coherence during chaotic encounters. It has been used in the treatment of emphysema and can also be helpful for inflammation of the joints, light sensitivity, streptococcal throat infections, heart disorders and arthritis.
A mineral consisting essentially of manganese carbonate, rhodochrosite is most commonly found in ore veins and sedimentary deposits of pyrite and manganese ores. It is generally light to dark pink with white stripes and veins. The name derives (1836) from the Greek word Rhodocros, meaning rose coloured. Sacred for the Incas, rhodochrosite was known as “Inca stone”. It has also been called a “stone of love and balance” and is thought to awaken a need to give and receive tenderness and love. It is said to promote creativity and reduce tendencies towards avoidance or denial, helping one to accept and integrate new ideas or information. It can help with any problems concerning the heart, both emotional and physical – it is said to be useful for those who wish to heal old emotional wounds and for stabilizing the heart and pulse rate. Rhodochrosite has been useful in treating problems associated with the respiratory tract, digestion, circulation and liver as well as cancer-related diseases and stress situations.