A widespread mineral. Crystals are relatively common and display a large variety of shapes ranging from short stubby crystals to long needle-like forms. As they are found in so many areas and are associated with such a wide variety of minerals, they are one of the most sought after minerals for collectors. Calcite is normally colourless or white but can be found in a number of colours when influenced by other minerals. Because of its softness, it is difficult to polish but its lustre can be enhanced through acid treatment ì but because it will dissolve even in mild hydrochloric acid, Crystals should never be cleaned in this substance. Calcite is used in the chemical and metallurgical industries, in the form of marble and travertine in the building industry, and Calcite rich Limestone is an essential ingredient in the manufacture of cement. The mineral releases electrical impulses when placed under pressure and is also an energy amplifier. All calcite is a good remover of stagnant energy. Can occur in pieces up to a ton or more and therefore can be cut and shaped in many ways including large carving and spheres, bookends, lamps, etc. its bright colour symbolizes happiness and vitality in life. Good for the stomach area and associated with the 2nd Chakra. It helps the gall bladder, improves physical energy and expands awareness. The best source is Mexico.